Wednesday, March 08, 2006

CONC: xenophobia is alive and well

Well, it was depressing to see the "Buy American" rah rah rah attitude over at GM's Fastland blog. So I had to go over and put the smack down:

This is in response to those of you who are trying to make GM's problems a U.S. vs. Japan thing:
Many of GM's current problems were caused by the "Buying American" mentality. Think of the millions of of Delta 88, Cavalier, Park Avenue, and Bonneville buyers in the 80's and 90's... We bought those cars partly out of "duty" - it certainly wasn't the quality - and look what it got us... GM complacency and more mediocre cars. Tough love from us here in the Fastlane forum and the rest of America is the only way GM will get out of this mess. It's working. GM's making the best cars that I can ever remember now, but it's only because of the competition and people NOT buying GM cars out of duty any more.
No more free pass for GM, means GM having to make good cars, means GM will eventually turn around the business or fail trying.
It's 2006 folks, wake-up and do not buy "American" if it doesn't make sense for you and your family. Auto manufacturing jobs will be lost whether you buy GM, Toyota, or Hyundai. I can't save them and neither can you. A final thought:
"Technology, not necessarily outsourcing, is displacing American workers...Even China is losing manufacturing jobs because the number of people required to make goods is decreasing as a result of technologies that make factories more efficient" - Frank Reich Former U.S. Secretary of Labor

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